Hello! I am Kevin Ricardo Sejin. Software Developer, Traveler and Football Soccer Lover.
Full Stack .NET Developer with strong experience (+ years) working with multiple technologies in Back end and Front End development
Avanet Foundation Member and Co-organizer of MDE.NET Community, Constantly researching and learning.
- Applying models and design customizable using languages and frameworks like HTML5, CSS, Bootstrap,
- Analysis and development of web services using information extracted from databases applying
Entity framework.
- Azure Bot Framework using Cosmos DB, QnA Maker, LUIS, Cognitive Servcices, Azure and Blob Storage.
- Documentation of web services, specifying the details of how to consume and usability to the web
UI developers.
- Applying models and design customizable using languages and frameworks like HTML5, CSS, Bootstrap,
Angular.js for managing the Application data between the database, class model and browser.
- Analysis and development of web services using information extracted from databases applying
Entity framework and Redis to storage in the page cache.
- Documentation of web services, specifying the details of how to consume and usability to the web
UI developers.